About Benesse Educational Research & Development Institute

Kazunari Taniyama Kazunari Taniyama General Manager


Through our considerate research on the daily life of children, we bring a new understanding to "learning and growth" that will make a contribution to society.

In Japan, the education policy will shift to an emphasis on building skills that enable dealing with complicated issues through the application of psychological and social resources, and 2020 has been set as the target year for implementation.
How can we foster in children a foundation for learning and the skills to create a future on their own? This is the globally relevant question for education today.
For this reason, we have decided to focus our research on "how the environments should be, where each child can develop and experience growth in independent learning." We are committed to closely observing and interacting with children from the viewpoint of parents, guardians and teachers, incorporating the perspectives of researchers in Japan and abroad, and examining the processes of "learning and growth."
We hope that you will continue to offer your support and guidance.

Activities of Benesse Educational Research & Development Institute (BERD)

The Benesse Educational Research & Development Institute works on research and development activities, targeted at a wide range of people, including learners ranging from young children to university students and workers, as well as their parents, teachers and schools. We also provide well-formed information based on studies examining possible changes in the educational environment within mid- to long-term perspectives inside and outside Japan, through our unique research activities.
At the same time, more advanced R&D activities have been directed toward the study of how to improve the quality of education and teaching methods as well as assessments and measurements. We will constantly pursue the goal of developing a new educational framework for the future, aiming to become one of the most trusted educational R&D Institutes in the world.

Name Benesse Educational Research & Development Institute

Benesse Educational Research and Development Institute (BERD)

Benesse Holdings, Inc.
1-34 Ochiai, Tama-shi, Tokyo 206-0033 Japan

Representative Institute Director Kazunari Taniyama
Established Jun 28 , 2013
Research Themes Educational Survey
Research into English Language education
Research on educational assessments
Research into higher education
Research into learning through media

Benesse Education Research and Development Institute

  • Child Research Net